This page provides access to scanned
images of the family photo albums that my father, James L. Blilie
created from 1958 through around the
year 2000. most are black and white photos that he shot
and developed and printed himself.
For now, for the most part, I am just
scanning the prints in the albums and presenting them here, with labels.
Eventually, I hope to replace these
images with new ones, scanned from the original negatives, which I have.
Since there are 6 loose-leaf
notebooks of negatives, this is going to be a long-term retirement project!
Recently acquired (aside from the
Rolleiflex, which is his original) copies of the cameras my Dad used:





Bliligaard, Norway, late 1920s
(per John Arne Narum)
Circa 1940, Anita Kotts
Circa 1940, scenes from
Montgomery Ward, Midway, St. Paul
1940, Don Johnson, James Louis
Blilie's friend, St. Paul, MN
1940 Family group at 714
Hamline Ave N St. Paul, MN
Back row: Louis
Blilie, Shirley Gregerson, Bert Richards, Sylvia Gregerson, Ira
Harrington, Doreen Gregerson in arms of Laurence Gregerson
Front row:
Josephine Gundersen, Bobby Gregerson, Winifred Harrington, Julie Blilie,
Selma Harrington, Olga (Gundersen) Richards, Marjorie Kotts-Gregerson




1940 Family group at 714
Hamline Ave N St. Paul, MN
L-R: Louis Blilie,
Laurence Gregerson, Ira Harrington, Bert Richards holding Bobby Gregerson,
Alex Polanek
1940 Family group at 714
Hamline Ave N St. Paul, MN
Standing: L-R
Josephine Gundersen, Olga (Gundersen; Kotts) Richards, Julie (Gundersen)
Blilie, Selma (Gundersen) Harrington.
Seated: L-R Ira
Harrington, Bert Richards, Louis Blilie
The preceding family group
photos were taken at 714 Hamline Avenue North in St. Paul Minnesota:
Current images.
My grandparents had two
addresses: 714 Hamline and 393 Fry Street in St, Paul. The building next
door looks like the Hamline Ave. location
393 Fry Street in St, Paul,
current view
1940 Susan Polanek





1940s, Kennington's Department
Store staff, Jackson, MS.
Charles Galloway Ventress back,
1945, Alex Polanek and Peter
1945 Susan Polanek
Circa 1941, Vallea Richards
1941, Bud Preining





1941 Susan Polanek and
Antonette Blilie
1941 Don Norman Johnson, friend
of James Louis Blilie
1941 Jack Anderson, friend of
James Louis Blilie
1941, James Louis Blilie high
school senior portrait, Wilson High School, 1941 graduate
1941 Susan Polanek





1942, Lorraine, Susan and Alex
1942, Robert and Doreen
1942, Susan Polanek
1942, Winifred Harrington at
the Como Park Conservatory
1942-43 James Louis Blilie





Circa 1943-4, Susan Polanek,
Loretta Harrington, Gary Harrington
1942, Antonette Blilie at Mount
Vernon and Washington DC
1943 Harold Blais Kearns UT
Army Training |
1943 Herbert Makela Tempe AZ
Army Training
1943 James Louis Blilie, Salt
Lake City, UT
He must have just been inducted
into the Army





1943, James Louois Blilie's
first HAM radio set, St. Paul, MN
1943 Susan Polanek
circa 1944 Cessna Model 12-in
wing by James L. Blilie of Pine Boards Grocery Boxes
1944 Donald Norman Johnson and
his mother, St. Paul, MN
1944 James Louis Blilie





1944 James L Blilie Antonette
Blilie, Cliff Chamberlain St Paul JLB is a new 2nd Lt., US Army Air Force
1944 James Louis Blilie,
Antonette Blilie, London
1944, James Louis Blilie, Tempe
AZ, Army training
1944, Julie A. Blilie, James
Louis Blilie, St. Paul, MN
1944, Julie A. Blilie, Loretta
and Gary Harrington, in California





1944-45 Beryl Holdcroft Stone,
England, friend of Antonette Blilie
1945, James Louis Blilie, Peter
Polanek, Lorraine (Blilie) Polanek
1945, James Louis Blilie, Susan
Polanek, 1466 Englewood Ave St Paul MN
1945 Susan Polanek
1945-May-8 England Antonette
Blilie Left at the Zimmer Farm





Circa 1946, James Loouis Blilie,
Julie A. Blilie, John Blilie, probably near Prentice, WI
1946, St. Paul Wilson High
School and HAM radio rig |
1946 James Louis Blilie at Bone
Lake, MN
Summer 1946, James Louis Blilie
at Yellowstone National Park
1946 James Louis Blilie and Don





August 1946, Harriet Elizabeth
Ventress and Ann Crowder, Knoxville, TN
Circa 1947, Antonette Blilie
and Brian Kelly, Switzerland
1947 Confirmation Jackson MS
Harriet Ventress 4th row 3rd
from R
1947 Eleanora and Kim
1947 Walter and Kim Harrington





1948 Joan Kelly, Brian
Kelly, and Antonette (Blilie) Kelly, Heswall England
March 1947, 1466 Englewood Ave
St Paul MN
1948 Ann Lenoir Ventress,
senior portrait
1948 high school Graduation
Party Galloway House Jackson Harriet seated at R
1949 Bert Richards with horses
Jerry and Barney, Glenwood City, WI
Jack Anderson put to work on
Bert's farm





1948 Toni and Brian Kelly's
wedding reception at The Brae, Heswall, Englad
Circa 1948, Susan and Peter
Ira, Ardie, Gary, and Loretta
1948 Jack Anderson and Belle
1948 Jack Anderson fishing in
Lake Johanna, MN
1948 James Louis Blilie
His University of Minnesota
PLacement Service Resume





1948, Julie Antonette (Gundersen)
1948 Kim Harrington
1948-49 Don Johnson on Lake
1948-49 Lake Wapogasset
Alex Polanek, Don
Johson, Jack Anderson on Lake Wapogasset
1949, 1806 back yard at
Wordsworth Ave, St. Paul MN, home of Julie A. Blilie and Josie Gundersen





1949 Bert Richards, Glenwood
City, WI
1949, Julie A. Blilie, Glenwood
City, WI
1949, Olga (Gundersen)
Richards, Glenwood City, WI
1949 Jack Anderson fishing in
Lake Johanna, MN
1949 James Louis Blilie's study
at 1806 Wordsworth Ave.
1949 Between town of Emily and
Mitchell Lake
Herman's landing on Mitchell
1949 Harry Herman (Warren's
father) looking for grouse at Mitchell Lake
1949, Peter Polanek (Alex
Polanek's father)
1949, Susan Polanek
1949, Warren Herman and Jiggs
the dog at Mitchell Lake
1949, Herman's cabin at
Mitchell Lake
Warren Herman in the cabin
1949, Aerial view
1949, Alex Polanek
1949, Glenwood City, WI, Bert
Richard's farm
1949, Glenwood City, WI, near
Bert Richard's farm
1949, Glenwood City, WI
1949, Jack Anderson's family,
St. Paul, MN
1949, Milford Harrington's car,
St. Paul, MN
1949, Vyvyanne Harrington,
daughter of Milford and Harta Harrington, St. Paul, MN
1949, James L. Blilie, Vyvyanne
and Milford Harrington, St. Paul, MN
1949, Harta and Vyvyanne
Harrington, St. Paul, MN
1949, Harta, Vyvyanne, and
Milford Harrington, at 1806 Wordsworth Avenue West, St. Paul, MN
1949 Susan Polanek, St. Paul,
1949, Peter Polanek (center)
and rfeinds, St. Paul, MN
1949, Lorraine Polanek, St.
Paul, MN
1949, Prentice, WI. L to
R: Maurice Blilie, John Blilie, their friend Eric
1949, In flgiht
1949, Lockheed P-80 fighters
1949, Julie A. Blilie and Josie
Gundersen, Sun Ridge Apple Orchard
1949, Bert Richard's farm,
Glenwood City, WI
1949, Bert Richards, St. Paul,
1949, Susan Polanek at Bert
Richard's farm, Glenwood City, WI
1949, Kim Harrington at Bert
Richard's farm, Glenwood City, WI
1949, Kim Harrington and Peter
Polanek at Bert Richard's farm, Glenwood City, WI
1949, Peter Polanek at Bert
Richard's farm, Glenwood City, WI
1949, Susan Polanek at Bert
Richard's farm, Glenwood City, WI
1949, Family group at Bert
Richard's farm, Glenwood City, WI
Standing L-R: Unknown, Josie Gundersen, James L. Blilie, Anita (Kotts)
McKenney, Olga (Gundersen/Kotts) Richards, Julie A. Blilie, Vallea Richards,
Robert McKenney, Bert Richards
Front row, L-R: Susan Polanek, Peter Polanek, Lorraine Polanek, Winnie
(Harrington) Peterson, Eleaonor Harrington, Kim Harrington
1949, Family group at Bert
Richard's farm, Glenwood City, WI
Standing L-R: Unknown, Josie Gundersen, Unknown, Anita (Kotts)
McKenney, Robert McKenney, Olga (Gundersen/Kotts) Richards, Vallea Richards,
Julie A. Blilie, Bert Richards
Front row, L-R: Susan Polanek, Lorraine Polanek, Peter Polanek, Winnie
(Harrington) Peterson, Eleaonor Harrington, Kim Harrington





1949, Julie A. Blilie at 1806
Wordsworth Ave.
1949, John Blilie, Prentice, WI
1949, Julie A. Blilie, Walter
Harrington, Josie Gundesen at 1806 Wordsworth Ave.
1949 Don Johnson, Lake
1949, Jack Anderson, Lake





1949, Cousin Louella, Lorraine
Polanek, Julie A. Blilie, and Amanda (friend)
1949 Maurice Blilie, Prentice
1949 Maurice Blilie, friend
Eric, John Blilie Prentice WI
1949, John Blilie, Prentice, WI
1949, St. Paul Radio Club at
the Minnesota State Fair




1949 Taylors Falls, MN
4 June, 1939, Muskegon Church,
St. Paul, MN
Winifred Harrington, circa
My Dad at his mother's home
1806 Worsdsworth in St. Paul, MN.
Late 1940s